A Carrollton barbecue restaurant popular with locals and non-locals alike celebrated a major milestone this week. Billy Bob’s Bar-B-Q, located at 811 South Park Street, marked 25 years of serving BBQ pork, beef brisket, chicken and ribs along with burgers, homestyle dishes, and banana pudding.
The Carroll County Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting marking the major milestone on October 18. Among those that spoke at the event included the chamber vice president Rhyne Owenby, chamber chair-elect Jill Duncan, and Carrollton mayor Betty Cason. “Bill and LeAnne [Green] have done a wonderful job here, and I just can’t say enough about it. They’ve been so supportive to the schools, to the community, anybody in need, and you just couldn’t ask for a better family, better people, and I’m just delighted to celebrate this milestone with them,” she said.
Billy Bob’s Bar-B-Q opened in 1997, but the idea had been discussed by Bill and his dad, the late Bob Green, for almost three years prior to that. The name for the restaurant came from a hybrid of both of their names. “We thought it could turn into a pretty familiar name, so we went to see if it was available. We found out it wasn’t taken so we went ahead and incorporated it, and it’s been a big roller coaster ride ever since,” Bill said. However, for him the two weeks leading up to opening the doors were just as much of a roller coaster. “LeAnne and I got married on October 4, 1997, we went on our honeymoon on October 5, came back on October 12, and opened this restaurant on October 13. So in ten days, I got married, took on fatherhood of LeAnne’s five-year old son from a previous marriage, went on a honeymoon, and opened a restaurant with my mom, dad, and wife.”
Looking back on the last 25 years in business, Bill noted just how much of an achievement that is. “It’s a great accomplishment in any business, especially in the restaurant sector. Many people don’t realize how hard it is. More restaurants fail than succeed, so being open 25 years is a blessing. The community has really supported us and blessed us year after year after year.”
The Green family matriarch, Beverly, echoed his sentiments. “I appreciate this town more than you will ever know, and some of the best friends I’ll ever have I’ve met in here, and God’s been behind it all, so I have to give him praise for it.”
While celebrating the milestone anniversary for the restaurant was an upbeat event, Bill did note one key absence. “I wish dad was standing right here to celebrate with us, but as many of you know COVID took him from us back in 2020, and I have no doubt that he’d be here right now if that had not happened.”
Bill also mentioned, “You can’t be successful without the help of good loyal employees. We’ve had a bunch of good employees over the years who worked for us for maybe six months up to seventeen years. We even have a waitress who has worked for us since 2000! We certainly want to thank them all for their time and dedication to our restaurant.”
Bill specifically wants to dedicate the special day to their special needs employee Big Will who has been with the restaurant for twelve years. He says, “As a lot of you know, Will has been battling cancer for awhile now and unfortunately, he’s losing his battle and is now in hospice care. Will, we love you with all our hearts, thank you big man for everything, you’re our hero!!”
Bill looks forward to the continuing support of the Carrollton community and beyond. “We are so happy to be here and couldn’t have done it without you guys and the support of the whole community. We have people that come from Alabama, Newnan, Douglasville, and beyond to eat with us, and we are just so grateful for everyone who has graced us with their presence in our business.”