The Carroll County Master Gardeners will be holding the Second Annual Buffalo Creek Fall Festival on September 10, 2022. This year’s event features workshops and storytelling for children outside the old one-room schoolhouse, local food trucks, featured speakers on gardening topics and over 70 vendors inside and out and a petting zoo. The Master Gardeners will be holding a plant sale and there will be guided tours of the Buffalo Creek Trail by members of the Native Plant Society. The Second Annual Buffalo Creek Fall Festival will be held at the Carroll County Agricultural Center located at 900 Newnan Road, Carrollton.
The Ag Center is part of Buffalo Creek Outdoor Education Center which is a favorite of many Carroll County residents due to its 40 acres with trails throughout. There are several habitats with running streams from the Buffalo Creek. One can walk the trails and see wetland areas as well as upland hardwood and pine habitats. Lovely native shade plants can be seen along the trails as well as flora that grow in the sun. These pretty trails are maintained by the West Georgia Chapter of the Native Plant Society. The Carroll County Master Gardeners also have their gorgeous demonstration gardens at the Ag Center Trailhead. The Forestry Commission has an old sawmill, grist mill and other buildings in the garden area as well. Please mark your calendars for Saturday, September 10th from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. This is a FREE community event sponsored by the Carroll County Master Gardeners.
Mark your calendars and save the date for the Buffalo Creek Fall Festival. For more information on the festival or for vendor information visit us at: https://www.carrollcountymastergardeners.com/events/buffalo-creek-fall-festival