Going above and beyond the call of being a pediatric dentist’s office is what White Oak Pediatric Dentistry in Newnan and Carrollton practices each day.
Construction started in 2021 on a new location for White Oak Dentistry at 2 Farmer Commercial Park Drive directly across from the new fire station off Millard Farmer. The new office celebrated its first day in operation last week with patients aware of the new location through multiple channels of messaging. Dr. Popple says, “A lot of people want to come see us from the community. We’ve always had tons of positive feedback. Our team works so hard, and the community has rewarded us by telling their friends.”

The new location in Newnan, which replaces the White Oak Professional Park office, is around 8,000 square feet and currently has 12 dental chairs with space for expansion to 18. A new, much brighter lobby greets his pediatric dental care patients with several beautiful ficus trees. A reading nook offers several bean bags and books for children to enjoy while waiting their turn to see Dr. Popple, Dr. Alexander and Dr. Grannum.
It’s not just the patients Dr. Popple takes care of, but his team is the dental backbone of his practice.
In February of 2019, Dr. Popple opened his Carrollton location near the intersection of South Street and Maple Street. He told us then that Carrollton is around 20% of his patient base. When asked about the drive back and forth between offices he explained, “I definitely use the relaxing drive to take care of phone calls and check in with my staff.”
Prior to opening his office five years ago in Newnan, Georgia, Pediatric Dentist Dr. Ben Popple was a soccer enthusiast and student at Berry College in Rome, Georgia. He says, “I made the trek between Rome and Carrollton quite often to see my now wife while she attended the University of West Georgia.”
While he was studying and playing soccer, one of his close friends recommended that he look into dentistry. He took the advice and ended up at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta and then in a residency program at Yale. Dr. Popple laughs, “I didn’t even think I had a shot at getting in, but they saw how relaxed I was, and that’s how it began.”
Dr. Popple is eager to see his patients at the new location in Newnan, “We are so thrilled to see each and every one of you. Thank you for supporting us and telling your friends about us.”
Those interested in learning more about White Oak Pediatrics can visit their website by clicking here.