For three years Legacy Diamond Jewelers has been serving the community in Carrollton and continues to be a one-stop shop of services in the jewelry business. Owned by three generations of family, Avis and Jonathon Ratliff built Legacy Diamond Jewelers in Carrollton on the foundation of trust and exceptional customer service. From an array of jewelry to purchase, there are also custom designing, jewelry repairs, and many more services.
Avis explains, “Carrollton feels like home. Jon and I have only been here for almost four years, and we are overwhelmed with the support this community has for us. Each year we find that our customer base keeps growing and growing. It’s hard to put into words how incredibly good Carrollton has been to us. Every week someone comes in and says, ‘I’ve heard great things about this place.’ The fact the community is speaking highly of us means the world.”
Avis shares a few favorite moments and events that Legacy Diamond Jewelers hosts.
“One of our favorite moments was our first piercing party at the store. We had a professional piercer from one of the lines come in for ear, nose, and cartilage piercings. This event was a fan favorite with high schoolers and college kids. Another favorite event is our annual Ladies’ Night before Christmas. This is an opportunity for customers to come in, try on jewelry, and make a wish list. That way spouses know exactly what to get for Christmas, birthdays, or anniversaries. It’s a win-win for everyone.”
She reveals their challenges and successes in the pandemic, “During the pandemic, we closed the store for six weeks. We opened the week before Mothers Day and ran the store with just the two of us for nine months. That was definitely our biggest challenge. Having no employees and working six days a week for months was extremely hard on us, but it was also a blessing as we were able to build one on one relationships with our customers.
“All in all, we have loved being in this area. This community has provided us with great employees, friends, and a lovely place to live and work. Each year we continue to see growth, and we couldn’t be more grateful for the chances and experiences God gives us every day,” Avis concluded.
For more information, please visit https://www.legacydiamondjewelers.com/. You can call (770) 832-0060 or visit the store at 1109 S. Park Street Suite 501 Carrollton, Georgia, 30117.