The City Menus Teaming up for Media Partner Panel with The Carroll County Chamber of Commerce

The Carroll County Chamber of Commerce invites the business and local community to attend the March Membership Breakfast, with a local media partner panel.

Representatives from The City Menus, Gradick Communications, StarNews, Times-Georgian, and West
Georgia Woman’s Magazine will discuss the importance of advertising and how it impacts businesses.
The panel will be moderated by Brad Yates, Professor, and Dean of the School of Communication, Film,
and Media at the University of West Georgia.

The Membership Breakfast Panel is slated for Tuesday, March 8, 2022, at City Station, 2115 Maple Street
in Carrollton, GA. Breakfast and networking will begin at 7:30 am followed by the program from 8:00
am-8:30 am. Tickets for the event are $25 for Chamber members and $35 for future members. For more
information and to register, please visit

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