LaGrange Youth Council Hosts Party for Boys and Girls Club of West Georgia

The LaGrange Youth Council hosted  a pizza and ice skating party for the Boys and Girls Club of West Georgia  Monday, February 7th at Sweetland Amphitheatre.  

“We are extremely proud of our young leaders in the LaGrange Youth  Council. This group knew what they wanted to do and they did it. This  event was one of the most successful we’ve had,” said LaGrange Youth  Council Advisor Adam Speas. “To see everyone have so much fun ice 

skating together and playing ice breaker games was inspiring to see. We  hope to host this party every year.” 

“The kids had an amazing time. The smiling faces on all the pictures and  videos tell the story best,” said Boys & Girls Club of West Georgia  Executive Director Sabrina Allen. “The LaGrange Youth Council really  did well with telling the kids who they are and what they do. They were  patient and very attentive. This event was awesome.” 

The LaGrange Youth Council is an advisory board composed of Junior  and Senior High School students that provides advice and counsel to  our local governing body. The youth council selects projects every year  that they feel will make the community a better place. 

For the 2021-2022 year, the youth council adopted three issues to  address in the community including mentorship, sustainability and  mental health. The Mentorship Committee voted to host a pizza and ice  skating party with the Boys and Girls Club of West Georgia at Sweetland  on Ice.  

Mentorship Committee Chairperson Sydney Edelson spoke to the group  on Monday night and let the group know that the LaGrange Youth  Council believes in them and their future is bright. “We chose to host  the Boys & Girls Club at Sweetland on Ice so we could get to know  everyone and have some fun,” Edelson said, “It’s so important to let the  group know the youth council is here to assist them in guiding them to  a bright future.” 

Committee member Miller DeVane encouraged the group to get involved in the LaGrange Youth Group to have a voice in local  government, “I love being on youth council because it’s an organization  where I can truly see what I do make a difference in my community,” DeVane said. “I’ve found my voice in youth council when these young  people become a junior in high school they can too and make a  difference in our community and town.” The LaGrange Youth Council is now taking applications for the 2022- 2023 year. Go to to  download an application or email [email protected]. The deadline  to submit an application is Friday, May 6th.

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