Carroll County Schools Names STAR Students, Teachers

Five graduating seniors in the Carroll County School System have been named STAR students at their respective high schools for the 2021-2022 school year and were recognized by the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce at its annual STAR Student and Teacher Recognition Breakfast. The STAR program, administered statewide by the Professional Association of Georgia Educators, recognizes the student who has the highest SAT score in his or her graduating class at each high school each year.

Each STAR student selects a teacher who has had the most influence on his or her academic achievement during the entire school career. This teacher is honored as the school’s STAR teacher.

The awards were presented during the chamber’s monthly membership breakfast which was held at the Carroll County Schools Performing Arts Center.

“We enjoy having the opportunity to partner with the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce to recognize our STAR Students and STAR Teachers for their commitment to excellence,” Carroll County Schools Superintendent Scott Cowart said. “We know these students will continue to experience success after graduation and will develop into leaders in our community. We also congratulate our STAR Teachers and appreciate their commitment to being premier.”

The STAR breakfast honored STAR students and teachers from Carroll County Schools, Carrollton City Schools and Oak Mountain Academy.

Bowdon High School – Jenna Daniel
Jenna Daniel is the STAR student at Bowdon High School. Daniel is the daughter of Randy and Jennifer Daniel and serves as President of both the National Art Honor Society and the National Spanish Honors Society at BHS. She is the Vice President of the National Honor Society. She is on the varsity tennis team and was chosen to represent Bowdon High on the Carroll County Junior Chamber of Commerce.

Daniel selected Stephanie Norton as her STAR teacher. Norton is an 18-year veteran educator who teaches AP Art History, AP Art Studio, and other art classes at BHS.

Central High School – Jackson Burns
Jackson Burns is the STAR student at Central High School. Burns is the son of Johnathan and Tracy Burns and is a member of the varsity football team, the ethics bowl team, the National Honor Society, the National Spanish Honor Society and the BETA Club. He was chosen for the DAR Good Citizen award and selected to represent Central High on the Carroll County Junior Chamber of Commerce.

Burns selected Joshua Smith as his STAR teacher. Smith is a 10-year veteran educator who teaches AP US History and US History at CHS.

Mt. Zion High School – Dylan Roulaine

Dylan Roulaine is the STAR student at Mt. Zion High School. Roulaine is the son of Scott and Paula Roulaine and is a member of the varsity football and baseball teams, the National Honor Society, FBLA and the BETA Club. He received both the Coca-Cola Academic Award and the Coca-Cola Golden Helmet Award and is participating in the Southwire Engineering Academy.

Roulaine selected Shannon Rainwater as his STAR teacher. Rainwater is a 14-year veteran educator who teaches Spanish at MZHS.

Temple High School – Ashton Moore
Ashton Moore is the STAR student at Temple High School. Moore is the son of Mary and Daniel Moore and is a member of the varsity football team and BETA Club. He is an AP and dual enrollment student.

Moore selected Rocky White as his STAR teacher. White is a 36-veteran educator who taught AP Chemistry and Chemistry at THS. He is currently teaching in Alabama.

Villa Rica High School – Owen Haynes
Owen Haynes is the STAR student at Villa Rica High School. Haynes is the son of Thomas and Angela Haynes and is first chair alto saxophone in both the symphonic band and jazz band at VRHS. He won the John Philip Sousa, Louis Armstrong and Leonard Bernstein musicianship band awards and is a civil engineering intern at Strack, Inc.

Haynes selected Kevin Brown as his STAR teacher. Brown is a 20-year veteran educator who serves as director of bands at Villa Rica High School.

Selection criteria for the STAR students includes the highest SAT score on a single test date and a ranking in either the top 10 percent of their class or the top 10 students in their class based on grade point average.

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