Teachers Receive Carroll EMC Grants for Bright Ideas

Area school teachers were recently awarded Bright Ideas grants from Carroll Electric Membership Cooperative’s (EMC) Foundation. Ninety-six local educators submitted online applications and secured funds for their creative and innovative classroom projects for the 2021 cycle. 

Representatives of the cooperative visited 36 schools across Carroll, Haralson, Heard and Paulding counties to distribute the nearly $79,200 awarded to schoolteachers through the Bright Ideas program that will enrich the education of hundreds of children. 

“The fun happens when we surprise the winning teachers and students in-person with the award,” said Carroll EMC Foundation Trustee, Dr. Karen Curtis. “We appreciate the dedication and hard work of our educators.”

Each year, grants of up to $1,000 are awarded to public schoolteachers teaching pre-K through 12th grade in the cooperative’s service territory. All classroom subjects are eligible for funding including but not limited to STEAM, language arts and social studies. Teachers with a bright idea simply submit an online form when applications are open. 

“It gets more and more exciting each year we review the applications and learn of the passion and creativity of our educators,” continued Curtis. “The challenge comes in narrowing down the winners. A well-written application is one that is creative, detailed, error-free and follows instructions.”

Bright Ideas grants are funded through the generous donations of Carroll EMC Members who participate in Operation Round Up®, a program where they elect to “round-up” their electric bills to the nearest dollar. The program is governed by the cooperative’s Foundation Trustees and funds a variety of community service projects including Impact Grants, student scholarships, and many health and human services programs.

To see a complete list of this year’s Bright Ideas recipients, please visit carrollemc.com/bright-ideas-grants. Applications for 2022 will be accepted beginning Aug. 15 and can only be submitted via the cooperative’s website. 

Carroll EMC is a Member-owned cooperative providing electricity to approximately 52,000 homes and businesses. The co-op serves Members in Carroll, Haralson, Heard, Paulding, Polk, Floyd and Troup counties. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. For more information visit the cooperative’s website at carrollemc.com or follow Carroll EMC on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn. Carroll EMC: Community Built. Community Builder.

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