Carrollton Building Dedicated to One of West Metro Board of Realtors Founders

Those who met a very special individual by the name of Mary Jo Farish knew that she was a brilliant lady with a heart for her local community. On Wednesday, December 1, the West Metro Board of Realtors along with distinguished guests and family celebrated her legacy. The building located at 154 Bankhead Highway was dedicated in her name and honor. 

Her daughter Bekki Farish Smith, Associate Director at Farish Realty, accepted the beautiful memorial plaque and was overjoyed with emotion, as one can imagine. 

Mary Jo was chosen because of her dedication to the board. Robin Rogers, President of the West Metro Board of Realtors tells us, “She was one of our founding members. She was always a hard worker– even when she broke her hip, she was there.” Robin continued, “We want the legacy of Mary Jo Farish to live on here and be remembered through the hard work and dedication.” 

To learn more about Mary Jo click here to read her obituary from June of this year.

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