Students at Carrollton Elementary School are enjoying new playground equipment thanks to the school’s Parent Teacher Volunteer Organization’s dedication to serving.
A few years ago, parents involved in PTVO made a commitment to upgrade all playground equipment at the school.
“Our initial goal was to replace the older wooden structures,” said PTVO president Kristen Gill.
To raise funds for the renovation, CES has held fundraisers. Gill said $90,000 has been raised to go toward the playground upgrades.
Gill also noted that Carrollton’s Superior Playgrounds donated a playground to the school which helped start the renovation process.
“Their building burned down a few years ago and they received a lot of support from the Carrollton community to help them rebuild,” she said. “They wanted to do something to give back and help others. Donating a playground to CES was one way they could do that. We are so grateful for the relationship we have with them and have enjoyed working with them through this renovation process.”
Because of shipping delays, a portion of the playground is not yet complete.
“We have the remaining pieces of equipment ordered and are hopeful everything will be installed by the start of next year,” said Gill. “Kids are already enjoying what has been done and we are excited for the project to be completed.”
Kylie Carroll, CES principal said the school is grateful for the PTVO’s dedication and involvement.
“We have been fortunate to have a long term commitment from PTVO to support ongoing playground upgrades,” said Carroll. “The playground additions positively benefit all our tiny Trojans!”