The City of Newnan is looking to hear from citizens and stakeholders regarding the City’s Comprehensive Plan Update, a document for the City’s growth and development over the next 20 years. City staff will prepare the full Comprehensive Plan Update according to the rules for local comprehensive planning adopted by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs.
The City’s Planning and Zoning Department will be hosting three drop-in listening and interactive sessions to meet with citizens and stakeholders on:
· Tuesday, March 16, from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm at the Carnegie Library
· Thursday, April 8, from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm at the Howard Warner Building
· Wednesday, April 14, from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm at the Newnan Centre
The sessions will allow the public to communicate views on land use, public facilities, city amenities, transportation, and other Newnan opportunities. The sessions are an important way to involve citizens and stakeholders in the overall process. These sessions will also encourage social distancing as the session formats will be designed with COVID-19 safety in mind.
“We feel that it is essential to have the public’s opinion and input as we develop a plan for the future of our city; we’re looking forward to making the process as easy and convenient as possible for our citizens to be able to provide their feedback on what they would like to see for the future of Newnan,” said Chris Cole, City Planner for the City of Newnan.
To stay up to date with all of the upcoming events and opportunities about the City’s Comprehensive Plan and provide feedback by filling out a quick survey, visit www.newnanplanning.com.
Link to video: https://vimeo.com/517205731/3d04215cc5
Video Credit: Courtesy of NuLink/WOW! Communications