Seek Serenity at Red Rock Wellness in Carrollton

As the Spring season approaches, Laura Haynes, owner of the new Red Rock Wellness coming to downtown Carrollton, seeks to share with the local community the tools she and her team believe lead to a healthier lifestyle. From yoga classes to various types of massage therapy to offering holistic medicinals in the shop, Red Rock Wellness aims to help you be your best self mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Laura Haynes, a resident of Carrollton, has been a massage therapist for the past 15 years. Ten years ago, while earning her bachelor’s degree in entrepreneurship, she wrote a business plan for a wellness center; so when the “timing felt right” to move her practice out of her home and into a commercial location, she was ready. This transition allowed her to incorporate her passion for yoga, for which she is a certified teacher, into her business as well. From here, the seed that would become Red Rock Wellness had been firmly planted and was beginning to grow. Located in what was formerly the West Georgia Travel building at 547 Newnan Street in Carrollton, Laura has been steadily working to turn the building from a place locals would seek out to aid their search for serenity into a place where these same people can come to “slow down,” as she says, and be present with themselves. She is grateful to her husband Bo for his help in this transformation, one that has not been easy as it has required many gallons of paint for the walls, rewiring of electrical outlets, and preparing the space for COVID-19-related safety measures. Nonetheless, Laura and the team at Red Rock Wellness are ready to open very soon with yoga classes starting on March 1, 2021.

By appointment only, Red Rock Wellness will be offering massage therapy, infrared sauna sessions, access to lie in a red light therapy bed, and private yoga classes which are in addition to the public yoga classes. There will also be a detox specialist/iridologist working at the center. On the store-front of things, the shop will be the first and only location in town where customers can “walk in and buy loose-leaf teas, tinctures, and salves from […] Seedtime Farmacy, a local herbal business based out of Winston” with whom Laura has partnered. Classes held by the owner of Seedtime Farmacy will also “teach the community how to replace popular over-the-counter medicines with more natural alternatives.”

While the practice of yoga and holistic medicine may often be seen as a divergence from religion-based answers to life’s obstacles, Laura instead views it as an opportunity to be a blessing to those around her. Laura says that her prayer during this tumultuous past year has transitioned from asking God to “help me” to “help me help other people.” Furthermore, she says to the community: “I’m so grateful for this community. Thank you for supporting me and this dream to help people move towards natural wellness. It’s a big, scary leap of faith, but faith is exactly what it is. Complete faith that this is a gift I was given to share with you, and that you will receive it with open arms.”

Classes start on March 1, 2021. Schedules can be found on Facebook and the MindBody App at Red Rock Wellness and on Instagram at @redrockwellness.

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