Swearing In Ceremony held for County Officials

The Ceremony was held at the Historic Courthouse and followed COVID-19 protocols to ensure the safety of all those in attendance. The backdrop was the Commission Chambers adorned with Christmas decorations and the positive energy felt by all those ready to take the oath to serve this community together.

Chairman Michelle Morgan welcomed everyone and introduced her priest, Father Gaurav Shroff from Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church who provided a heartfelt invocation, followed by Minister of Music/Administrator Bryant Turner from Roopville Road Baptist Church who also serves as Chairman of the Carroll County School Board who sang a beautiful song that set the tone for the ceremony. Carroll County is appreciative of the partnership with the Carroll County School Board whose members were also sworn in during the ceremony.
A powerful moment occurred in the beginning of the ceremony as the first female State Court Judge Erica Tisinger of Carroll County swore in Probate Court Judge Edie Haney. State Court Judge Erica Tisinger was sworn in by Chief Superior Court Judge John Simpson prior to the ceremony. Judge Haney swore in the following elected officials and thanked each of them for the service and commitment to Carroll County.

Superior Court Judge
Honorable John Simpson
Magistrate Judge
Honorable Alton P. Johnson
Terry E. Langley

Michelle Morgan, Chairman
Montrell McClendon, District 1
Clint M. Chance, District 2
Tommy Lee, District 3
Steve Fuller, District 4
Ernest Reynolds, District 5
George A. Chambers, District 6

Carroll County Board of Commissioners
Chairman Michelle Morgan
Board Member Montrell McClendon
Board Member Tommy Lee
Board Member Ernest Reynolds
Clerk of Superior Court
Alan Lee
Tax Commissioner
Vickie Bearden
Solicitor General
Rebecca “Becky” Jackson
Keith Hancock
County Surveyor
Michael Crawford
Carroll County Board of Education
Board Member Bernice Brooks
Board Member Kerry Miller
Board Member Clayton Kierbow
Board Member Bart Cater
In a year with many uncertainties and lots of ups and downs, one thing remained the same and
unchanged and that is the admiration and support shared by all the elected officials who serve the
citizens of Carroll County and their willingness to stand together to ensure a bigger, brighter, and safer

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