Two Carrollton Sisters Caught COVID-19, Now Recovered

Macailah Truett (left) and Victoria Truett (right)

On March 28 two Carrollton sisters, Victoria and Macailah Truett, noticed they had sniffles following an afternoon walk. Both believed their sniffles were a result of seasonal allergies, before later suffering from severe symptoms linked to positive COVID-19 test results.

22-year old Victoria said that after she and her sisters’ sniffles developed, both had a worsening headache and began running a fever around 101℉. 

On April 4 they decided to be seen by an urgent care physician who determined they were suffering from a sinus infection and prescribed them an antibiotic medicine. 

By April 7, 20-year old Macailah’s symptoms further worsened, and she began experiencing difficulty breathing combined with a severe cough and digestive issues. She was seen at the local emergency room where she underwent an x-ray confirming she had developed pneumonia. She was also tested for COVID-19, and the next day the results came back positive.

Macailah described that everything tasted and smelled horrible to her, which caused her not to eat anything besides yogurt during the time she had the virus.

During this time Victoria’s symptoms worsened, similarly to those that Macailah was experiencing. Victoria was tested for the coronavirus on April 9 and the next day learned that she, too, had contracted COVID-19. 

Over the course of a few days, Macailah treated her pneumonia with another prescribed antibiotic, and Victoria took Tylenol to relieve some of her symptoms.

While at home with three other family members, the sisters remained isolated in their individual bedrooms. The family designated one of the household bathroom’s for the sisters to share to limit the exposure of the virus within their home. A family friend made masks which were shared with the family.

Within a few days, the sisters were well on their way to recovery. As of April 23, both have been symptom free for nearly a week. 

In closing, Victoria told us she and her sister had no pre-existing conditions when they contracted the virus. She shared, “We are very thankful to have made it through this experience together. From our experience, we cannot imagine how much worse the virus could have been if we’d had pre-existing conditions.” 

*** If you or someone you know has tested positive for COVID-19 and has since recovered, please contact us by calling (678) 592-7009 and leaving a voice message or emailing [email protected]. ***

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