Temple Policeman and Air Force Veteran Recovers from COVID-19

Lieutenant Jim Hollowood

Lieutenant Jim Hollowood of the Temple, Georgia, Police Department says being in the right place at the right time is what led to his diagnosis with COVID-19. His encounter with the virus began with frequent coughing during the early part of April. However, like many others he believed that his cough was a result of his lifelong challenge of allergies and asthma. 

On April 8, Hollowood’s wife’s employer had contracted a private company to administer COVID-19 tests. He and his wife were offered a test. He tells us, “At the time, neither of us had any reason to believe that we had contracted the virus other than my coughing, which is common for me this time of the year.” The next day, Hollowood’s test results came back positive for COVID-19, and his wife’s test was negative. 

Hollowood stated that for several days he dealt with frequent coughing, which sometimes resulted in shortness of breath and fatigue. During that period, he ran a low-grade fever for one day, which he says never reached 100℉. Despite his mild symptoms, he self-isolated in the master bedroom of his home. 

As Hollowood’s symptoms improved, he was tested again on April 15 and those results came back negative. Now fully recovered from the virus, he tells us that he is looking forward to returning to work next week with clearance from his doctors and the police department. 

In closing, Hollowood shared that he and his wife are the proud parents of six children, three of whom live at home. His work has always been in the service of his fellow man, community, and country. He served in the United States Air Force from 1984 to 1987 and then worked as a paramedic for 10-years, before transferring to Rockdale County Sheriff’s department from 1998 through 2006. He has served on the Temple police force since 2006 and is now a lieutenant for the department. 

*** If you or someone you know has tested positive for COVID-19 and has since recovered, please contact us by calling (678) 592-7009 and leaving a voice message or emailing [email protected]. ***

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