Carroll County Chamber Addresses COVID-19 Response

Courtesy of Carroll County Chamber of Commerce

The staff of Carroll Tomorrow, the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce, and the Burson Center will continue to work in their office.  All staff members will answer phone and emails. However, in order to remove any risk of viral transmission, the Chamber building will be closed to the public until Friday, March 27. Additionally, all Chamber events during this two-week period will either be cancelled or postponed to a future date.

The staff of the Carroll Tomorrow, the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce, and the Burson Center and will provide updates and information to its members and the public as the COVID-19 pandemic evolves. In an effort to provide effective and relevant information, the Chamber will share news from our local schools, local governments, and local emergency responders. The Chamber’s goal is to share unbiased, fact-based information that will help our community.

In order to fulfill its role as the voice of the business community, the Carroll County Chamber will send relevant business updates to its members. Members can expect to receive updates about emergency loans from the Small Business Administration, best practices for organization management from the Society of Human Resources Management, the latest news from the National Association of Manufacturers, and various updates from state-level agencies that can offer assistance.

The Chamber is an ideal place for governments, nonprofits, and businesses to come together and find solutions, and the Carroll County Chamber will continue to work with local leaders to bring solutions to the community.  We encourage our members to contact us if they need advice or assistance during this difficult time. We can overcome any obstacle if we continue to Think Carroll First.

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