Central High School senior Courtney Vance has been named Central High School’s STAR Student for the graduating Class of 2020. The Student Teacher Achievement Recognition (STAR) program honors Georgia’s highest achieving high school seniors and the teacher who has been most influential in their academic development. The program is sponsored by the Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE) Foundation.
To obtain the STAR nomination, high school seniors must have the highest score on any single test date of the three-part SAT taken through the November test date of their senior year and be in the top 10% or top 10 students of their class, based on grade point average.
Courtney Vance selected Mr. Lane Daniel, her middle school Social Studies teacher, as her PAGE STAR Teacher. Mr. Daniel teaches at Central Middle School.
Ms. Vance currently serves as drum major for the marching band, is secretary of National Honor Society, president of Key Club, vice president of Spanish Honor Society, and is a member of Beta Club. Courtney plans to earn her Bachelor degree from the University of West Georgia with a double-major in economics and Spanish. She is the daughter of Rebecca and Randall Vance of Carrollton.