Impactful Community Organization Celebrates Ground Breaking

Photo Courtesy of Open Hands

A vision that started roughly five years ago led to a dream come true for those making a difference in the community at Open Hands United Christian Ministry. A bigger space is now on the horizon. During a ground breaking ceremony on September 24, Director Sue McGukin said, “We now can give those seeking assistance a more empowering experience. We will soon have more space for clothes, a space where children can run around, private meeting rooms, art and cooking classes. We are so excited about the future.”

Carroll County Chamber of Commerce CEO Daniel Jackson was one of the guest speakers at the Ground Breaking Ceremony. He noted, “This is a community that does the right thing, they do great things intentionally and with leadership. They truly care about the needs of people.”

When the new location is completed, the volunteers will be able to better serve those in need in the community as Open Hands moves from an 1800 square-foot facility at 505 Newnan Street, held for the past eight years, into the new 5500 square-foot facility off Newnan Road at Bledsoe Street in Carrollton.

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