The Carroll County Chamber of Commerce has renamed the annual award recognizing exemplary volunteer service to honor community leader Jim Gill. At the recent Chamber annual Membership BBQ, Gill was awarded the Horizon Award, now known as the James A. Gill Horizon Award.
The award is a special recognition presented to individual Chamber members for outstanding volunteerism who have made significant contributions of time and effort to the local Chamber and the business community. Beginning in January 2020, that award will be renamed the James A. Gill Volunteer of the Year Award in recognition of his valuable and selfless commitment to so many organizations, including the Carroll Chamber and Carroll Tomorrow.
“At the heart of every community are certain volunteers who go above and beyond to make their communities great,” said Daniel Jackson, president and CEO of the Carroll Chamber and Carroll Tomorrow. “These volunteers improve their communities through an outstanding commitment to service with no expectation of praise or recognition. Jim Gill is just such a person.”
Gill moved to Carroll County from Columbus, Georgia in 1984. He enjoyed a fifty-year career with Citizen Bank and Trust of West Georgia (CB&T) and Synovus Bank and is part of the Synovus Leadership Hall of Fame.
Gill has been an active member with Sertoma International since 1970. His Sertoma service highlights include serving as Gold Coat Club President, Georgia Distinguished Governor, International Director and Sertoma International President 1982-83, launching eight clubs including the Carroll County Club, and earning the Sertoma Lifetime Service Award. He and his wife Cheryl are life patrons of the Sertoma Foundation.
Gill has been active in Tanner Medical Foundation’s Magnolia Ball since its founding in 1990. Jim has volunteered for 25 years and in 2001 he and his wife, Cheryl, served as the Magnolia Ball Honorees. The Magnolia Ball is a signature fundraiser for the area health system’s foundation and has raised over $10 million to increase access to comprehensive, high-quality healthcare for communities in west Georgia and east Alabama. Jim served as a member of the Tanner Medical Foundation Board of Directors for over 15 years with a term as the Vice-Chair. From 1991 through 2016, Jim was also a member of the Tanner Medical Center, Inc. Board of Directors.
Gill has created a strong legacy of giving back to the community. He has served on several boards of directors, including: Tanner Medical and Foundation boards, University of West Georgia Foundation Board of Trustees, Carroll City/County Hospital Authority, Hospice Care of Carroll County, Georgia Bankers Association, Boy Scouts of America, Carrollton Rotary Club, Carroll County Educational Foundation, WGTC Foundation Board of Directors, Carrollton High Athletic Booster Club Hall of Fame, Carroll County Leaders Association, Friends of the Association of Remarkable Citizens, Friends of the ARC for 36 years; and Life Member Award (1999) from Goodwill Industries. In addition, he served as Chairman for the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce in 1997 and was honored as Business Person of the Year in 1992 and Citizen of the Year in 2001.
Gill has been an avid supporter and loyal friend to the University of West Georgia. He has served on the UWG Foundation Board of Trustees since 1988 and is a life member as well as served as its chairperson from 1991-94. He is active with A DAY and has chaired several UWG committees. He was instrumental in establishing the Named Presidential Scholar Program. In addition, he was a member of the Stadium Development Committee, has been a member of the UWG Booster Club, served as a member of the Board of Directors and as interim vice president of Alumni and Development, and was named as an Honorary Alumnus for UWG in 1995.
Jackson noted that Gill mentored him years ago saying that healthcare, education, government, and the local Chamber of Commerce are the cornerstones to the economic health of any community.
“He would tell me if these four cornerstones run well, the community prospers and everyone prospers in the long run,” said Jackson.
Gill was one of the original 26 members of the steering committee that created Carroll Tomorrow. Gill currently serves as the treasurer of Carroll Tomorrow, and he serves as Chairman of the Carrollton Payroll Development Authority.
Gill received a standing ovation as family, friends, and colleagues recognized him at the 2019 Membership BBQ and Awards Celebration. Jackson, holding an oversized shoe prop at the event, concluded, “Mr. Gill has left a big imprint on the community, and future leaders will have big shoes to fill.”
The Gills are members of First Baptist Church. They have a daughter, Shannon, son James, Jr. (Jay), daughter-in-law Kristen, and two grandchildren, James, III and Adair. They live on a horse farm in Carrollton, Georgia.
For more information on the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce, please visit our website at www.carroll-ga.org.