When traveling around the historical districts of Newnan, you might have noticed new traffic lights being installed. At this time two are being implemented at the intersection of East Broad Street and Farmer Street along with the intersection of Roscoe Road and Sherwood Drive. The new traffic poles have black powder-coated traffic signal housings and mast arms.
Newnan city engineer Michael Clahr says, “We would like to see these throughout the city, if it makes sense to do it throughout the city.” Michael also tells us that a consultant is currently working on design upgrades for a new traffic light at LaGrange Street and Boone. He continues, “We are implementing a split phase timing design, in which the timing issue will be fixed to current standards. The intersection upgrades will also include pedestrian signals and the light will help with traffic congestion.”
Additionally, a troublesome intersection for those traveling on Bullsboro Drive at Amlajack Boulevard is undergoing major improvements. At this intersection some of the gore area is being removed to make room for dual left turns from Bullsboro Drive to Amlajack Boulevard and Celebrate Life Parkway.
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