Construction crews plan to start work on a Reduced Conflict U-Turn intersection, or RCUT, on Georgia 34 at Posey Road tomorrow, Tuesday, May 21, 2019. The project is expected to be completed by Friday, May 24, 2019, with crews working in shifts from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. each day.
While crews are at work, the contractor will have both left-hand (inside) lanes in the immediate area of Georgia 34 at Posey Road closed to traffic. Motorists are encouraged to watch for signage as well as the orange and white barrels preventing access to the left-hand lanes, and to slow their speeds while driving through the work zone.
A Reduced Conflict U-Turn, or RCUT, is installed to reduce angle collisions at an intersection involving a divided highway. A specially-shaped median is installed to prevent dangerous left turns or straight-through traffic. Those motorists will then instead turn right into the flow of traffic and utilize a designated down-road U-turn that keeps them driving within the flow of traffic as they maneuver to where they need to go. RCUTs decrease congestion by allowing traffic to flow through the area in all directions, yet they reduce opportunities for collisions by keeping all motorists within the flow of traffic. Nationally, intersections that have installed RCUTs have seen a 70 percent reduction in fatal crashes and a 42 percent reduction in injury accidents.
When: Starting Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Where: The intersection of Georgia 34 and Posey Road in Coweta County, Georgia
Advisory: Motorists are advised to expect delays, exercise caution, and reduce their speed while traveling through work zones. Before heading out, get real-time information on work status and traffic conditions. Call 511, visit 511ga.org, or download the Georgia 511 app.