Hugging Goofy at Disney World – for some, it sounds like a simple family vacation. For Mason Neufeld, it was a dream that, with the help of Southwire and The Make-A-Wish Foundation, is coming true.
Mason, age 5, who lives in Whitesburg, GA., was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), a rare form of cancer that begins in the bone marrow and quickly moves into the blood, when he was 3 years old. Shortly after, doctors discovered that Mason had FLT3, a rare gene mutation found in less than five percent of cancer patients that accelerates the production of cancer at a rapid pace.
Cori and Taylor Neufeld, Mason’s mom and dad, got in contact with Make-A-Wish through the hospital while Mason was undergoing treatment. Wanting to help, Southwire employees heard Mason’s story and came together to raise more than $17,000 through t-shirt sales, raffles and “T-Shirt Thursdays.”
“From the moment we announced our desire to grant a local child a wish, Southwire employees were on board,” said Allison Thrash, Marketing Manager for Southwire’s Power Systems & Solutions business group, who has been leading this effort. “Every event we did to raise money, we had an overwhelming amount of response. Even those who didn’t want to participate in the events themselves found it in their hearts to donate some money here and there to help us reach our goal. Reaching the $15,000 goal by the end of September far exceeded our expectations. I am so proud and humbled to work with a group of people who are willing to go above and beyond and to give out of their own pockets to help others.”
On Friday, Nov. 16, Southwire hosted a send-off event for Mason and his family that included food, fun and decorations with Mason’s favorite Disney character – Goofy.
“There are no words,” said Cori Neufeld, Mason’s mom. “We were humbled, honored and so thankful. Two years ago, we were going through one of the worst times in our lives, and, now, we are going to Disney World!”
With the help of a bone marrow transplant, Mason is in remission. Mason, his mom, dad, 3-year-old little sister, Iris, and 6-year-old brother, Brady, will go to Disney World in February of 2019.
For more on Southwire’s community involvement and Giving Back efforts, follow Southwire Community on Facebook or visit southwireblog.com.