Carroll County Schools Announces 2018 ESOL STAR English Learner and STAR Teacher

Pictured (left to right) Mrs. Rachel Herman; Maria Aguilera; Ruben Rivadeneira; Maria Hernandez Diego; Daniel Ramirez; Scott Cowart, Superintendent. (Not Pictured: Emily Zuniga Cruz)

(Carrollton, Ga. – April 20, 2018) The Georgia Department of Education (GADOE) seeks to identify and recognize Georgia’s English Learners and ESOL Educators for their “Excellence in Achievement.” Each school system was asked to nominate outstanding senior English Learners for their accomplishments in school. The nominees had to satisfy specific GADOE qualifications and guidelines, which included student achievement, extracurricular activities, attendance, and conduct. The Carroll County School System is pleased to announce that Ruben Rivadeneira, senior at Villa Rica High School, is the 2018 ESOL Star English Learner and Mrs. Rachel Herman is the 2018 ESOL Star Teacher.

Rivadeneira and Mrs. Herman have been chosen from nominees in 51 schools systems to represent Zone III at the upcoming awards ceremony with Georgia’s School Superintendent, Mr. Richard Woods. The Carroll County School System also recognized Rivadeneira, Mrs. Herman and all of the 2018 ESOL nominees for Carroll County at the April 19 Board Meeting.

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