KidsPeace Bowdon Hosts Groundbreaking Ceremony for Expansion

Officials gathered today at KidsPeace in Bowdon for a groundbreaking ceremony to celebrate a new expansion at the education facility. The expansion is expected to add an additional 20 beds to the facility, which currently has 60 beds for onsite schoolchildren.

“I am thrilled with the latest developments here at our Bowdon campus,” said Ann McCauley, Vice President of Development for KidsPeace. “We will soon be able to help 20 more children at a time here in Bowdon. These are children that most people have given up on, and we are their last chance in most cases. They do wonderfully under our leadership, and under our love and care.”

KidsPeace is a facility that provides onsite housing and educational services for children with psychological, behavioral, or psychiatric issues.

“I would like to thank the many donors that contributed to our capital campaign, making this expansion possible,” said Lou Shagawat, Executive Director of KidsPeace of Georgia. “We would also like to thank our community supporters, including Carroll County and the City of Bowdon whose collaborative efforts contributed greatly to our success.”

An expected completion date for the project was last projected around Fall of 2018. We will update that once more additional construction details are known.

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