(February 21, 2018, Carrollton, Georgia). Carroll County Air Force JROTC won 3rd place in Georgia’s Gold Tier Level CyberPatriot competition. The Air Force Association’s (AFA) National Youth Cyber Defense Competition is in its 10th season.
Led by CyberPatriot Coach Lt Col Mike Washington, the team of Central High School students excelled while demonstrating teamwork, critical thinking skills, and technical knowledge, which is key to a successful career in cybersecurity. The team’s performance earned Georgia’s 3rd place award.

Established by AFA in 2009, CyberPatriot is designed to excite, educate, and motivate students toward careers in cybersecurity, as well as other science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines critical to our nation’s future.
CyberPatriot’s core program challenges teams of students across the U.S. and Canada to find and resolve cybersecurity vulnerabilities in simulated environments. Top teams from the preliminary rounds earn an all-expenses-paid trip to Baltimore, Maryland, for the in-person National Finals Competition, where students compete for national recognition and scholarships.
The Nighthawk CyberPatriot Team earned 3rd place on the Silver Tier performance level. Lt Col Washington believes his teams rose to the challenge for competition and worked together for 3rd place honors.
Lt Col Mike Washington and MSgt Charles Smith are Air Force JROTC instructors for Carroll County Schools. The program is based at Central High School and is open to students enrolled in the system.