Central High School Sweeps the I-See-Math Competition

Pictured from left to right are Central High School I-See-Math winners Heyward Stober, Chandler Dexter, Math Teacher Rebecca Smith, and Abigail Sadler.

Central High School students swept the I-See-Math Competition taking 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places after Twitter voting was complete. Voting was calculated based on likes and retweets of the students work.

The preliminary contest for Seeing Math in the Real World was open to students in Coach Austin Smith’s math classes at Mount Zion High School and students in Mrs. Rebecca Smith’s math classes at Central High School. Students took pictures or videos of math they saw in the real world. Pictures were uploaded to Twitter with a description of what was being seen with a brief explanation.

Abigail Sadler took 1st place with her description of how she uses math in creating visual art drawings. Chandler Dexter showed how he used math while completing a back handspring and came in 2nd place. Taking 3rd place honors was Heyward Stober for his view of math while swinging on a rope in the woods. Alex Smith, from Mt. Zion, won the Teachers’ Choice Award and Central High’s Kyrsten Bearden won the Financial Literacy Award for posting a picture of how math is used in finances. The students were awarded gift cards which were donated by the University of West Georgia Center for Economic Education and the University of West Georgia Fusion Center.

Pictured is Alex Smith from Mt. Zion High School; Teachers’ Choice Award recipient.

Photos and explanations of each winning entry can be seen on the Central High School Facebook page at http://facebook.com/centralhighlions or at bit.ly/iseemath.


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