Press Release: Douglas County’s Tristan Capocci Enters U.S. Naval Academy

Tristan Capocci of Douglas County was inducted into the Unites States Naval Academy Class of 2021 on June 29 and began six challenging weeks of basic midshipman training as part of Plebe Summer.

Tristan is a graduate of Alexander High School and was nominated by Congressman David Scott.  He is the son of Marisol and Matthew Capocci.  At Alexander, Tristan was named by Rawlings as Honorable Mention to it All-American Baseball Team.  Tristan will also play baseball at the Naval Academy.

Approximately 1200 candidates were selected this year from over 17,000 applicants for the Naval Academy’s ‘plebe’ or freshman class.  During Plebe Summer, the incoming freshmen have no access to television, movies, the Internet, or music.  Each is permitted to make a total of three phone calls during the six-week training period.  The pressure and rigor of Plebe Summer is carefully designed to help them prepare for their first academic year at the Naval Academy, and the four years of challenge that awaits them.

Plebe Summer includes training in basic skills in seamanship, navigation, damage control, sailing and handing patrol craft.  The freshmen also learn infantry drill and how to shoot 9 mm pistols and M-16 rifles.  Other daily training sessions involve moral, mental, physical and professional development, and team building skills.  Activities include swimming, martial arts, basic rock climbing, obstacle, endurance and confidence courses.

Founded in 1845, the U. S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, is a prestigious four-year service academy that prepares midshipmen  morally, mentally and physically to be professional officers in the Naval service.  Upon graduation, midshipmen earn a Bachelor of Science degree in a choice of 25 different subject majors and go on to serve at least five years of service as commissioned officers in the U. S. Navy or U S. Marine Corps. 

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