Art at The Admin Featuring Long-time Coweta County Resident

“Art at the Admin” features the work of Ulla Strickland in the “Entry Gallery” located at the Coweta County Administration Building Main Entrance, 22 East Broad Street until July 31st.

Ulla Strickland is a native of Germany and has lived in Coweta County for almost 20 years. Riding and painting from an early age on, she has managed to combine her two greatest passions, horses and art. Besides painting and drawing commissioned work, Ulla organizes art shows at regional horse shows.

Ulla explains her art like this: “Art in whichever form it appears expresses an individual’s personality and my art is straight forward, positive and mostly self-explanatory. I live for the beauty in nature, it is my inspiration, and art is my spiritual release. Since horses have defined my life from an early age, and their beauty of body and spirit is undeniable, they are found in the majority of my artwork. The best thing someone can do for me is be genuinely delighted by what they see in my art and feel good for the rest of the day.”


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