UWG Spring Commencement Ceremonies Set for May 11

The University of West Georgia’s spring commencement ceremonies will be held on Thursday, May 11, at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. in the UWG Coliseum. The events close a semester that saw a 4.4-percent growth in spring enrollment between 2016 and 2017. The semester also featured the fifth-highest growth in the state and the highest among comprehensive institutions.

The morning ceremony will feature graduates from the College of Arts and Humanities, the College of Social Sciences and the Richards College of Business. The afternoon ceremony will include graduates from the College of Education, the College of Science and Mathematics, and the Tanner Health System School of Nursing.

Anne Hydrick Kaiser will be the keynote speaker for both ceremonies.

Kaiser serves as vice president of community and economic development for Georgia Power, leading the company’s efforts to recruit new companies to Georgia and helping existing industries grow. Internationally recognized as one of the top economic development organizations in the world, the department has brought 126,000 jobs and $26.5 billion in capital investment to Georgia over the past decade alone. Kaiser also is responsible for the company’s initiatives to improve the marketability of communities throughout the state, including support of public education and workforce development.

Kaiser graduated with a bachelor’s degree in public relations from the University of Georgia. She also is a graduate of the advanced management program of Harvard Business School and the National Association of Corporate Directors’ College. She is a graduate of Leadership Atlanta and the Institute for Georgia Environmental Leadership.

Kaiser serves on the board of directors of State Bank and Berry College. She chairs the REACH Foundation, co-chairs the Alliance Theatre and the Competitiveness Initiative of the Atlanta Regional Commission and serves on the Georgia Cities Foundation. She also serves on the advisory board of the Georgia Department of Economic Development. Kaiser was appointed by Gov. Nathan Deal to the Technical College System of Georgia and serves as its vice chair, along with serving on First Lady Sandra Deal’s Georgia Children’s Cabinet.

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