Carrollton Water Treatment Plant Awarded “Best Tasting Tap Water” In Georgia

The City Menus

Press Release from The City of Carrollton

The City of Carrollton is proud to announce that the Carrollton Water Treatment Plant has received state wide recognition for producing the “Best Tasting Tap Water” in Georgia. This taste test competition was hosted by the Georgia Section of the American Water Works Association (GAWWA) at the Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP) Spring Conference held this week in Jekyll Island. The City of Carrollton’s water was competing against 21 other water plants in the state of Georgia during two rounds of competition.

The City will now go on to compete on the national level at the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Annual Conference and Exposition in June of this year. Carrollton will then be competing for not only the title of the “Best of the Best” but also for the title of “People’s Choice”.

Mayor Hollingsworth and the City Council wish to thank all employees for their dedication and devotion. Specifically, they wish to thank Water Plant Superintendent Connie Nelms, Chief Operator Robert Moore and all the Water Plant employees, as well as the individuals within supporting department which include Facilities Maintenance, Systems Upkeep, and Engineering. These achievements could not be accomplished without the cooperative efforts of the entire City staff.

The “Best Tasting Tap Water” in Georgia award is one more example of a long list of achievements and awards which signify the quality and dependability of the Carrollton Water System. Other awards received by the Carrollton Water Treatment Plant include the Gold Award for Quality Operation for calendar years 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2014, 2015, and 2016, the GAWP District 3 Drinking Water Taste Test Winner 2009 and the Laboratory Quality Assurance Award in 2005 and 2012.

For questions concerning this award or any other aspect of the Carrollton Water Treatment Plant, please call Connie Nelms, Water Plant Superintendent at (770) 830-2021.

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