Intersection Realignment Proposed for Maple, Alabama Streets and Barnes Avenue

The City of Carrollton is now accepting bids on a project involving the realignment of the Maple Street and Presbyterian Avenue intersection. The City will be collecting bids for the project from now until March 28.

“The project will reconfigure this intersection—which has been a problem for quite some time,” said City Engineer Tommy Holland. “The proposed changes involve taking out the traffic signals at the intersection, and changing it to a right-in, right-out on both Maple Street, and Barnes Avenue.”

According to Holland, drivers will not be able to cross the intersection, but instead will have a right-turn only on Maple Street onto Alabama Street, and a right-turn only from Barnes Avenue onto Alabama Street.

The move is aimed at alleviating major traffic problems caused at the intersection.

“We will also be looking at improving the sidewalk and crosswalks at the intersection, as well,” said Holland.

The proposal indicates that the City will remove the traffic signal, and demolish and replace the sidewalk and roadway pavement. The project also involves the relocation of the Carrollton Cultural Arts Center sign.

“The square is a vibrant and thriving cultural and economic hub; maintaining and elevating pedestrian and cycle safety and access is a priority,” said Carrollton Ward 2 City Council Representative Rory Wojcik. “We need to ensure that auto traffic flow is active and safe while also protecting our community.”

Wojcik said he is optimistic about the proposed changes to the intersection.

“Good research in the hands of skilled planners and designers really make the world of difference,” said Wojcik. “I am excited to see our main street expanding in such a way that necessitates the assessment and modernization of our infrastructure. Well planned signage will relay any traffic changes- but as is the case with all construction projects and shifts in traffic flow- I encourage everyone to drive with caution.”

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