County’s New External Affairs Director Begins Work

Stating that she is “excited to be able to advocate for her neighbors and friends”, Mrs. Tiffany Stewart Stanley began work February 27th as Douglas County government’s first External Affairs Director. She was appointed to the position by the Board of Commissioners during its February 21st meeting.

The job description states that the External Affairs Director will manage “relationships with all county external stakeholders to include…state and federal elected officials and departments of the various governments. To that end, Mrs. Stewart Stanley said she will begin her duties by meeting with the Board of Commissioners and County Administrator to learn their legislative priorities, needs and wish lists. She later wants to meet with County department directors for detailed needs and to able to advocate for grant and other program funds with State of Georgia departments, such as Natural Resources and Department of Transportation.

She legally will have to be registered as a lobbyist, and feels that she can work with both political parties at the local, state and national levels.

The 2017 Georgia General Assembly is more than halfway through its session, so Mrs. Stewart Stanley’s legislative efforts will to lay the groundwork for the 2018 session. The U. S. Congress, however, meets all year long, so she will take items and issues on behalf of the Board of Commissioners to Congressman David Scott and Senators Johnny Isakson and David Perdue.

She stated that the effect of this position should be to maximize resources that will make life better for everyone. She became involved in local community grassroots efforts first with Georgia District 61 State Representative Roger Bruce as his Communications, then later as campaign manager for the Fulton County T-SPLOST campaign, and campaign manager for William Boddie’s effort for Georgia House District 62.

A native of Natchez, Mississippi, Mrs. Stewart Stanley earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Alcorn State University, and her Juris Doctor from the University of Mississippi School of Law. She has been Managing Partner and Founder of The Stewart Law Group in Douglasville and the owner of Stewart Stanley Strategies, a political consulting firm. Both firms are in the process of being dissolved for her to take this new position with Douglas County.

Mrs. Stewart Stanley is a member of the Junior League, Leadership Douglas Class of 2016, the Douglas County Democratic Party, the Democratic Women’s Council of Douglas County, the Cultural Arts Council, as well as other local organizations. The Douglas County Chamber of Commerce named her as ‘Young Professional of the Year’ for 2017.

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