Georgia Department of Transportation Awards Contracts for Bankhead Highway Work

The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) awarded nine contracts for State-wide transportation projects totaling $89,473,560 from the January lettings. The contracts were awarded on February 3rd, and include one project in Douglas County.

C. W. Matthews Contracting Co., Inc., was awarded the contract for the widening and reconstruction of Bankhead Highway between Bright Star Road and Gurley Road (0.417 miles). The contract is for $1,296,024.40, and the project has a completion date of December 31st, 2017. The project includes four intersections with Bankhead Highway: Bright Star Road, Georgia Highway 5, the railroad crossover to West Strickland Street, and Gurley Road. Vehicles in this area make a lot of left turns, and this project seeks to make them safer.

The project is a Federal project (#0010759). It’s construction will be managed by the GDOT out of its Chamblee District, College Park Area Office. The GDOT Contact is Natalie Dale at 404.772.2836.

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