The Conversation Continues in 2017 – State of Community: Carroll

The conversation continues in 2017 with State of The Community: Carroll. Join a host of community movers and shakers just like yourself for this incredible morning at the University of West Georgia’s Campus Center. A breakfast will be provided as part of your registration fee starting at 8am on February 23rd. UWG Faculty will share research on current issues affecting the state of community in Carrollton County, including voting behavior, recreation, public health, and other factors that impact the daily lives of Carroll County residents.

Directly after breakfast four panelists will present a discussion surrounding local poverty interventions, areas for community and university intervention, and policy approaches to poverty alleviation. The panelists include:

Kim Jones, Director, Community Foundation of West Georgia

Suraj Sood, PhD student, Department of Psychology, UWG

Tiffany Parsons, Lecturer, Department of Sociology UWG, Founder Impact West Georgia

Jeri Shaffer, Circles Leader, Circles of West Georgia

Discussant: Melanie McClellan, Director of Community Engagement, UWG

Following the Response to Poverty join the College of Social Sciences for a structure networking break and see exactly what the College of Social Sciences does in our community. This leads up to a Leadership Succession workshop presented by Jane McCandless, Ph.D. Professor of Sociology and Dean of the College of Social Sciences.

The process of identifying and developing new leaders to succeed current leaders is vitally important to all organizations. Preparing for the next line of leadership allows organizations to make smooth transitions in times when changes in leadership are either planned or unplanned. However, less than one-third of all organizations report that they have a succession plan in place. This workshop focus on how an organization can begin to develop a multi-year process that will result in individuals who are prepared to lead when called upon.

Several other workshops will follow till Lunch which will be available at UWG East Commons ($8.30 for lunch)

Below is a list of the workshops being presented at State of The Community: Carroll

Media Relations for Nonprofits: Getting Your Story Told
ColeHazel Cole Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communications, Public Relations Head

Nonprofits will learn about best practices in media relations, the need for a social presence, and strategies on how to get your story told.

Emergency Management in Carroll County
Anthony Fleming Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science

Amy Goolsby, Carroll County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Management Agency

The goal of this workshop is to explain what the Carroll County Emergency Management Agency does for the community and to help community members understand how the agency can best serve them during times of crisis.

Developing a Budget and Budget Narrative for Grant Proposal Applications
Sooho Lee Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Political Science

It is often said that the budget section is the backbone of grant proposals. Grant reviewers often turn right to the budget even before reading the proposal to see what the money will be used for. The needs and project narrative should match the budget. The estimates in the budget should be realistic and credible. This workshop offers a quick effective guide for developing a grant proposal budget in the public sector, especially focusing on nonprofit organizations.

Parking Information

Parking is available in the lot adjacent to the Townsend Center for Performing Arts. A gate attendant will be present to let you in the lot. Once parked, follow the State of Community: Carroll signs that will direct you to the Campus Center Ballroom.

Questions? Contact Jeannette Diaz in the College of Social Sciences at [email protected] or 678-835-51270.

Website Link for Registration – Click Here

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