Carroll EMC Graduates Two from Georgia Academy for Economic Development


Carrollton, GA — Carroll Electric Membership Cooperative produced two of this year’s graduates of the Board of the Georgia Academy for Economic Development 2016 Region 4 Multiday Training Program.

Class participants represented a number of professional and nonprofessional economic development fields, including elected officials, public servants, business leaders, educators and social service providers from across western Georgia. The Academy provided each of the graduates an opportunity to gain a unique understanding of the complexities of economic and community development on the local, regional and state levels. Carroll EMC graduates included Carole Thompson, Community Relations Supervisor and Jerome Johnston, chief operating officer.

“Economic development is very important to Carroll EMC because it is so important to the communities we serve,” said Johnston. “Attending this program has given me a much better understanding of what it takes to be successful with economic development. I am excited to apply what I’ve learned to help Carroll EMC be the best partner we can be in supporting the economic development efforts in our communities.”

Created in 1993, the Academy assembles a cross section of economic development professionals and resources to provide this training in all 12 service delivery regions in Georgia. The board of directors of the Academy represent public and private economic development organizations and agencies from across Georgia. Since its inception, the Academy has provided training for thousands of professional and nonprofessional economic developers around the state, and since 1998, the Academy has been offered annually in all 12 regions of the state. Georgia EMC and Georgia Power provide facilitators for the program, and the Georgia Department of Community Affairs provides staff support to this important program.

“Our Community Development team is proud to partner with and provide facilitation and presentation services on behalf of Georgia’s electric membership cooperatives,” said Pay Merritt, VP, Community and Economic Development for Georgia EMC. “Involved since its inception, the team’s work with the Academy graduates has enhanced levels of leadership capacity and community development preparedness for continued economic development progress throughout the region. In Region 4, CED cooperative members are Carroll EMC, Central Georgia EMC, Coweta-Fayette EMC, Diverse Power, Southern Rivers EMC and Upson EMC.”

Carroll EMC is a Member-owned cooperative providing electricity to approximately 50,000 homes and businesses. The co-op serves Members in Carroll, Haralson, Heard, Paulding, Polk and Troup counties. For more information visit the cooperative’s website at or follow Carroll EMC on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram and LinkedIn.


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