Carrollton, GA — Due in large part to the leadership and commitment of Carroll Electric Membership Cooperative Board Director Eddie Gore, children in western Georgia now have access to a comfortable, clean and expansive dormitory while attending annual camp meetings at Union Campground in Waco, Ga.
To honor Gore’s dedication and service and to recognize his key role in the project, he was recently named Volunteer Director of the Year by Georgia EMC and presented the 2016 Georgia EMC Community Service and Volunteerism Award. The purpose of the Georgia EMC Community Service and Volunteerism Award is to spotlight the outstanding efforts and initiatives of EMC management, individual directors and employees who are working to build stronger communities.
As an example of Gore’s leadership, the new Floyd and Clara Harris Hall was opened and dedicated during a ceremony July 6. Located on the campus of Union Campground, the 4,000 square-foot dormitory can accommodate up to 48 campers during camp meetings and people of all ages at other times of the year.
According to Union Campground Vice President and Union United Methodist Pastor Herb Butler, Gore played a pivotal role in the project; he personally drafted the preliminary floor plans, coordinated contractors and more than 40 volunteers at every stage of the construction process, and worked on-site throughout the project.
“During the 14-month effort, Eddie was often at the construction site all day, and it was not unusual for him to work 12-14 hours a day,” Butler said.
In addition, Butler estimates that Gore’s contributions and efforts resulted in more than $100,000 in savings for Union Campground.
“Eddie is a blessing to the community and to the children who will enjoy this dorm for years to come,” says Bill Verner, Senior Vice President, External Affairs, Georgia EMC.“His willingness to serve, and the tenacity and humility with which he does it, makes him a deserving recipient of the Director of the Year.”
According to Verner, the dedication and steadfastness displayed by Gore is especially meaningful since charitable organizations in recent years have experienced some decline in volunteerism and giving. As a result, they rely upon the generosity of others to bridge the gap to provide aid to the non-served and underserved within their communities.
Gore was presented the Community Service and Volunteerism Award during Georgia EMC’s Annual Meeting November 14 in Savannah. To commemorate the occasion, a donation in his name will be made to a charity of his choice.
Carroll EMC is a Member-owned cooperative providing electricity to approximately 50,000 homes and businesses. The co-op serves Members in Carroll, Haralson, Heard, Paulding, Polk and Troup counties. For more information visit the cooperative’s website at carrollemc.com or follow Carroll EMC on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram and LinkedIn.