2016 Carroll County Middle School Academic Competition Winners

Back Row L to R: Jake Duke-Captain, Charlie Prater, Aidan Astin, Colten Dinsmore, Cody Wood. Front Row L to R: Rase Featherr, Samuel Windom, Ana Pacheco-Baez, Zach Towns, Jennifer Bearden-Sponsor, Not pictured: Carlee Sarna
Back Row Left to Right: Jake Duke-Captain, Charlie Prater, Aidan Astin, Colten Dinsmore, Cody Wood. Front Row Left to Right: Rase Featherr, Samuel Windom, Ana Pacheco-Baez, Zach Towns, Jennifer Bearden-Sponsor, Not pictured: Carlee Sarna

(Carrollton, Georgia – December 8, 2016) Bowdon Middle School won first place in the 2016 Carroll County Middle School Academic Competition. Bay Springs Middle School was the second place winner with Central Middle School taking third place. We would like to thank our Carroll County Schools’ Partner In Education, Smith’s Floor Coverings, Inc. for sponsoring this annual event.

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