UWG’s Z-6 Receives Redesigned Entranceway

20160717_068_Z6EntranceReno2 20160717_068_Z6EntranceReno1
Left: Z-6 Entrance before; Right: Z-6 Entrance Now

As the last part of a major exterior renovation (read that story here), UWG’s Z-6 Dining Hall recently received a redesigned entranceway. The high-walled flower bed and square archway have been removed. In their place, you’ll find one flower bed level with the ground along with a low-walled circular feature that doubles as a bench area. These changes come at the same time as the university’s having ended a long-term relationship with dining services contractor Aramark in favor of establishing its own in-house program known as Dine West. To learn more about Dine West, visit their website.

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