Several Firework Stores Open Across Douglasville

Just one of many Temporary and Perminant Fireworks stores across Douglasville
TNT on Chapel Hill, Just one of many temporary and permanent Fireworks stores across Douglasville

Need some extra boom in your Independence Day celebrations but don’t feel like driving across the border for the big stuff? Have no fear. Temporary fireworks store TNT Fireworks as well as two new permanent fireworks stores are now open here in Douglasville! Thanks to the new fireworks law enacted last year, fireworks are now legal in Georgia. The two permanent locations are Jake’s Fireworks located in the old Cracker Barrel building on Westmoreland Plaza near I-20 and Fairburn Road. The other is USA Fireworks, located in the Douglas Corner Center on Highway 5 near I-20 (the same center as JoAnn Fabrics). TNT Fireworks has several temporary locations sprinkled throughout Douglasville. Here’s a list of locations inside the city where you can purchase your fireworks to celebrate the fourth (and drive your neighbors bananas):

  • Park Plaza Shopping Center (Kroger) on Highway 5, in old Aloha Pizza location
  • Market Square Shopping Center (Bargain Hunt) on Hwy 5 in old Petco location
  • Douglasville Pavilion on Chapel Hill Road next to Petsmart
  • Midway Village Shopping Center on Fairburn Road



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