Pearl Marketing Group Keeps Growing



Pearl Marketing Group got its full time start in Carrollton two years ago, after CMO Pamela Stover made the decision to step out of the corporate world. As a print/web graphic designer and marketer for the world’s largest charitable organization – the American Red Cross – it was time to put talent and skill to work for non-profits, startups and small businesses on a local level here in west Georgia. This area has become a niche market for Pearl Marketing Group. They’ve introduced professional-level, Do-It-Yourself marketing/branding tools and simple strategies that work for small-town, small-budget needs. Their specialty service is websites without code, which enables a business owner to have an easy-to-manage, SEO-, Google-friendly online foundation that brings all of their marketing efforts together. After all, websites should be collecting information for you 24/7, rather than being a static online brochure.

Having a website on a platform with easy ‘drag and drop’ design, means that business owners and non-profits no longer have to pay high monthly service fees for site hosting and maintenance. The site can be hosted for less than $20 a month, enabling an entrepreneur to manage it themselves once Pearl Marketing Group has designed and launched it for you. Best of all, there is absolutely NO CODING required to maintain the website and a one hour learning session for you and your staff is included in the package. If you can operate Microsoft Word or compose an email, you can quickly learn this platform!

Since supporting their community and promoting its sustainability is a core business practice for Pearl Marketing Group, they’ve worked with several local non-profits to create websites, marketing materials and strategies. You’re invited to visit to give financial and emotional aid to those walking the road toward breast cancer survival. Please visit to discover ways to break the cycle of homelessness right here in Carrollton and donate to that cause. provides volunteer opportunities and information about how bettering the environment benefits you. Career women and female business owners are encouraged to visit to experience how the American Business Women’s national association can grow and recognize your business and community efforts here in west Georgia.

If a website without code, branding and DIY marketing tools interest your business or non-profit, reach out to, email them at [email protected] or call 678-672-9845. They’ll help you move your website, branding and marketing to the next level!



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