Tanner’s Get Healthy, Live Well Honors Volunteers

Phyllis Head, community liaison at Tanner Health System’s Get Healthy, Live Well, with Villa Rica City Manager David Milliron and City Councilwoman Leslie Smith McPherson. The City of Villa Rica won Get Healthy, Live Well’s Lego Award, which is presented to a public or private organization that has made significant infrastructure improvements to improve the health of the community.
Phyllis Head, community liaison at Tanner Health System’s Get Healthy, Live Well, with Villa Rica City Manager David Milliron and City Councilwoman Leslie Smith McPherson. The City of Villa Rica won Get Healthy, Live Well’s Lego Award, which is presented to a public or private organization that has made significant infrastructure improvements to improve the health of the community.


Tanner Health System’s Get Healthy, Live Well recently honored the hundreds of volunteers dedicated to making west Georgia a healthier place to live, learn, work, play and pray.

Get Healthy, Live Well held its annual Volunteer Recognition Celebration on June 9 at Tanner Medical Center/Carrollton. The theme of the celebration was “A Night with the Stars.” The celebration began with an invocation by Pastor Vincent Dortch of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church in Carrollton and Tanner Chaplain Steve Schneider was the night’s inspirational speaker.

The “Volunteer of the Year” award was given to Annette Boykin, a member of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church. Boykin has been trained to teach Living Well with Chronic Disease, Living Well with Diabetes and Fresh Start for tobacco cessation — all Get Healthy, Live Well classes. She has also been trained as an instructor for the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) and taught a yearlong class at her church, Antioch Missionary Baptist Church in Carrollton.

Boykin also had the most volunteer service hours, logging 240 in the past year.

“This year’s ‘Volunteer of the Year’ award goes to someone our entire staff knows well, who we can call at any moment and she will come running to help with the biggest smile on her face,” said Get Healthy, Live Well Community Coordinator Mahaya Clark. “She is one of our strongest supporters.”

The “Lifetime Achievement” award was given to Jacqueline Dost, past executive director of Keep Carroll Beautiful. Dost was the task force chair for Get Healthy, Live Well’s community gardens initiative, which established more than 22 gardens in Carroll, Haralson and Heard counties. She helped plan the annual health summit and supported reverse-angle parking in Villa Rica.

Dost also supported Get Healthy, Live Well’s Safe Routes to School initiative.

“She was one of the first to support Get Healthy, Live Well when we started several years ago and she is well-known to most everyone in the community,” said Get Healthy, Live Well Program Manager Gina Brandenburg. “Her organization’s mission is to ‘engage the citizens of Carroll County in taking responsibility for improving our community environment.’ That mission fit so well with the mission of Get Healthy, Live Well that our partnership was a perfect match.”

The volunteers who were recognized for their hard work and leadership were given beautiful handmade glazed pottery by Clayton Brandenburg. Brandenburg made two unique platters for Boykin and Dost. All volunteers were given an award for their contributions.

Volunteer service awards were given for volunteers with 50, 100 and 200 hours of service. Twenty-five volunteers received 50-hour awards, six received 100-hour awards and Boykin received a 200-hour award. In total, 235 volunteers gave 5,108 hours of service in the past year.

Join Get Healthy, Live Well in its efforts to improve the community’s health. Visit www.GetHealthyLiveWell.org and complete an online application to become a volunteer.


Tanner Health System’s Get Healthy, Live Well staff members Mahaya Clark, Gina Brandenburg, Christina Schoerner, Phyllis Head and Jamie Brandenburg are shown with Volunteer of the Year Annette Boykin. Get Healthy, Live Well recently honored the hundreds of volunteers dedicated to making west Georgia a healthier place to live, learn, work, play and pray.
Tanner Health System’s Get Healthy, Live Well staff members Mahaya Clark, Gina Brandenburg, Christina Schoerner, Phyllis Head and Jamie Brandenburg are shown with Volunteer of the Year Annette Boykin. Get Healthy, Live Well recently honored the hundreds of volunteers dedicated to making west Georgia a healthier place to live, learn, work, play and pray.


Complete List of Award Winners

It Takes A Village Award – Bridgette Stewart (University of West Georgia)

Mission Possible Award – University of West Georgia

Fork and Spoon Award – Caron Connelly (Power of Produce [POP] Club)

Mover and Shaker Award – Erica Studdard (Friends of Carrollton GreenBelt)

Breath of Fresh Air Award – Bremen and Bowdon housing authorities

Health Avengers Award – Gretchen House (Diabetes Prevention Program instructor)

New Kid on the Block Award – West Georgia Track Club and First Baptist Church of Carrollton

Kickball Award – Shakeira Herring (College), Eli Brandenburg (Youth) and Joanna Schoerner (Adult)

Keeping the Faith Award – Overcomers Christian Center in Villa Rica

Lego Award – City of Villa Rica/Main Street Villa Rica

What Ya’ Doin’? Award – Eric Brandenburg

Volunteer of the Year – Annette Boykin (Antioch Missionary Baptist Church)

Lifetime Achievement Award – Jacqueline Dost

Leaders of the Pack Award

· LaKeicia Bonner, Felix Moten and Tanesha Smith – Word of Truth Christian Church in Bremen
· Pamela Mims – Overcomers Christian Center
· Carol Baker, Lisa Dunnigan and Charles Thomas – Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Carrollton
· Sheila Farley and Terrell Jones – Church Without Walls – The Hope Center in Carrollton
· Annette Boykin, Veleta Holland and T. Parker – Antioch Missionary Baptist Church
· Courtney Baldwin and Pastor Teresa Morris – Covenant Word Ministry
· Erica Studdard – Carrollton GreenBelt
· Lori Blackmon and Wendy Alba – Safe Routes to School Task Force chairs
· Phoebe Erickson – Main Street Carrollton
· Bryan Hager and Michelle Morgan – West Georgia Regional Food Collaborative Task Force chairs
· Rob Duve – Restaurant Task Force chair
· Linette Dodson and Brian Mosier – Youth Task Force


Christina Schoerner, a registered dietitian and health coach at Tanner, with Bridgette Stewart, coordinator for the health and community wellness program at the University of West Georgia. Stewart won Get Healthy, Live Well’s It Takes a Village Award.
Christina Schoerner, a registered dietitian and health coach at Tanner, with Bridgette Stewart, coordinator for the health and community wellness program at the University of West Georgia. Stewart won Get Healthy, Live Well’s It Takes a Village Award.


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