Lee Middle School Math Team Sweeps Regional Competitions

Lee Middle School’s Math Team took first place in regional competitions during the 2016 season.

This is the third year in a row Lee’s team has walked away as the first place regional Math Team and went on to state level competitions. It is the first time team members finished so strongly individually that they swept the West Georgia regional competitions, held in February.

The team took every first place trophy at the February 12th West Georgia regional competition. Lee’s Math Team for the 2015-16 year consisted of students Michael Kim, Josh White, Luke Hanks, Mizuki Harvey, Owen Collins, Sunny Lee, Sun Moon, Michael An, Nathan White and Jason Nix. Team members competed against 40 students of the school’s math club to earn their spots on the competition team.
Of the 90 students at the regional competitions this year, Lee had 3 top 5 finishers and 4 in the top ten. Michael Kim took First Place for the top individual score. He was closely followed by teammates Josh White, who had the 4th highest score and Sun Moon who had the 5th. The top 8 scores from the individual test then go on to a Countdown Round competition in front of the audience using a bracket system to compete in pairs with a buzz in answer system.

All three of the Lee Teammates advanced through the brackets and when the final bracket was displayed teammates Michael Kim and Josh White faced off for the First Place Countdown Round Honor. Michael Kim edged his teammate out to capture the third and final First Place Honor available at the competition,
“We are so proud of the whole team, but especially Michael’s effort,” said Coach Lynette Hanus. “We have had a first place individual score before and a first place countdown winner before, but we have never had anyone capture both titles.”
Michael Kim, Josh White, Luke Hanks and Mizuki Harvey travelled to Georgia Tech on March 21st to compete as the West Georgia Region’s Team. Teammate Sun Moon finished strongly enough to with them to participate as a West Georgia Individual Competitor.
8 out of 10 of the Lee Math Team competitors finished in the top 25 individually, with the whole team placing in the top half. Mizuki Harvey just missed the countdown round with a 9th place finish. Jason Nix and Sunny Lee tied with a 20th place finish and Nathan White placed 25th.

Press Release


Lee Middle School’s Math Team took all first place positions in West Georgia regional competitions during their 2016 season Pictured above, left to right, are team members, front row Sunny Lee, Nathan White, Josh White, Coach Staci Kelly, back row Michael An, Sun Moon, Owen Collins, Michael Kim, Luke Hanks, Mizuki Harvey, Jason Nix, coach Lynette Hanus


Lee Middle School Math Team member Michael Kim with his trophy and two first place metals.


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