Carroll County School Nutrition Brings Home the Gold!


(Carrollton, Ga. ­ April 29, 2016) Carroll County School Nutrition employees attended the Sixty First Annual School Nutrition Association Conference in Savannah Georgia April 14‐17, 2016. The main purpose of the Georgia School Nutrition Association conference is to honor school districts and SN employees that go the extra mile to support, promote, and teach the goals and purpose of the Georgia School Nutrition Association. The theme for this year’s conference was “We Are One; Georgia Strong” which says we speak as one, we move forward as one, so therefore we are connected as one mighty and powerful voice.

Each year the state president presents her POA, Plan of Action, for local and district chapters to complete in order to earn a Gold, Silver, or Bronze scroll. The POA contains five pillars the chapters are judged on: 1. Education and Professional Development 2. Public Image 3. Advocacy 4. Community 5. Membership. Under the leadership of local president, Sandra McCormick, Carroll County brought home the GOLD Scroll!

Systems across the state of Georgia are encouraged to affiliate their local school nutrition programs and to become members of the Georgia School Nutrition Association. Carroll County School Nutrition is among the few systems in the state that are recognized each year for having 100% membership and also for being 100% certified.

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