Prevent Child Abuse Month – Awareness Event Featuring David Moody

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Dave Moody will be featured speaker at Awareness Event at Carrollton Cultural Arts Center on April 24 6:00-7:00 pm. In addition Carrollton City Schools and Carrollton Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department will be recognized by Carroll County Child Advocacy Center for their Prevention work.

Mr. Moody says of himself:
“I would just say, I am father, business owner, and survivor. Construction is my passion and helping others heal is my calling. I just want to use my life to help start the journey of healing, find joy and gain hope for a great life.”

Darkness to Light said this at the time they released the current version of SOC: “We are pleased to introduce you to one of our new survivors that will be featured in our updated version of Stewards of Children. Dave Moody a native of Chicago, Illinois and now resides in Atlanta, Georgia. Dave owns the second-largest minority contracting company in Georgia, C.D. Moody Construction Co. Dave’s largest project has been rebuilding himself after having been sexually abused when he was only 10 years old. A secret he kept for 26 years until 1992 when he finally told his wife, Karla.

In an interview with the Atlanta Business Journal, Dave stated, “If I help just one person realize that life can be OK, it will be worth it. I want to give hope to people who have suffered from sexual abuse, panic attacks, anxiety attacks or post-traumatic stress disorder.” We are honored that Dave agreed to share his story with us. Read more about Dave Moody and his journey from victim of child sexual abuse to survivor.

Dave is one of seven survivors, including Marilyn Van Derbur being featured in the new version of Stewards of Children. We will introduce you to the new survivors in the upcoming months.”

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