Dawnbreakers Rotary and Women’s Business Alliance Hosting Women’s Self-defense Program


Rotary International has taken a stand to help end human trafficking, and the Carrollton Dawnbreakers Rotary is helping women in west Georgia ensure that they don’t become victims.

The Carrollton Dawnbreakers Rotary and the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce Women’s Business Alliance will host a self-defense course on Monday, March 7, at 5:30 p.m. The course will be held at the Health Education and Wellness Learning Center at Tanner Medical Center/Carrollton. The cost of the course is $10 per person and includes a boxed dinner.

Captain Jami Sailors with the Carrollton Police Department will lead the classroom-based training, which will cover topics such as awareness, safety considerations, how to have a “survival mindset” and an overview of self-defense.

According to the End Human Trafficking Now campaign, as many as 300,000 people are at risk of being trafficked in the United States each year — many of them children. Victims can be found even in communities as small as Carrollton.

Human trafficking generates $40 billion a year in revenue for traffickers — more revenue than McDonald’s, Google and Walmart combined.

To register for the program, visit http://dawnbreakersrotary.com/selfdefenseclass/.

More information on Carrollton Dawnbreakers Rotary is available online at www.DawnbreakersRotary.com. To learn more about the Chamber’s Women’s Business Alliance, visit http://www.carroll-ga.org/.


Press Release from Tanner Health System


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