February 17, 2016

Statewide trail community gathers to keep trails high on Georgia’s agenda: Now in its third year, the Georgia Trail Summit convenes in Carrollton on April

Rotary International has taken a stand to help end human trafficking, and the Carrollton Dawnbreakers Rotary is helping women in west Georgia ensure that they

Main Street Boutique is counting down the days till spring and we know you are too! Stop by on Friday, March 4th and Saturday, March

Wait for it this is good… If you have had your taxes prepared or referred a friend to DMBTAXES you will automatically be entered into

Calling all Brides! Do your guest need a place to call home for the weekend of your wedding? Call the Sales Department at the Courtyard

Heavy’s is now open in the former Jekyll and Hyde space at 10 The Boulevard in Avery Park. The restaurant features smoked ribs, wings (Over