CARROLLTON, GA – Carrollton Elementary School has begun the kindergarten registration process for the 2016-2017 school year. To set an appointment, please call the registrar’s office at 770-832-2726.
Documents required for kindergarten registration include: A copy of the child’s birth certificate; DHR immunization form 3231; DHR vision, hearing and dental form 3300; the child’s Social Security card; parent photo identification; and proof of residency. Acceptable items to prove residency include water, gas and electric bills and original lease contracts – copies will not be accepted. Utility bills or lease agreements must be in the parents’ or legal guardians’ names with address. Utility bills also must be dated within the last month.
Students who do not live in the Carrollton city limits also are eligible to register. Non-residents go through an application process at registration and are required to pay a tuition fee of $500 per family to attend Carrollton City Schools if accepted. Please complete the application posted on the school’s website (www.carrolltoncityschools.net) before attending your appointment.
Prekindergarten lottery registration for the 2016-2017 school year will be conducted in March. Additional information will be forthcoming.
For further information, contact Carrollton Elementary School at 770-832-2120 or Tina Buchanan, CES registrar, at 770-832-2726.
Press Release