Glanton­Hindsman Teacher Receives Bright Ideas Grant

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(Carrollton, Ga. ­ January 15, 2016) Glanton­Hindsman second grade teacher, Carla Tullis, was awarded a Carroll EMC Bright Ideas Grant to fund the purchase of 12 Osmo Gaming Systems for use with the Ipads in her classroom. The Osmos will be used to broaden student knowledge in vocabulary, math, and writing. The Osmo systems allow students to learn using vocabulary games, math games, tangrams, and writing programs that include drawing illustrations. Mrs. Tullis was inspired to apply for this grant after a generous parent supplied her grade level with an Osmo System for student use last year. “I applied for the EMC grant because I knew how inspired our students would be if we had enough systems to provide daily access for all of my students. I am thrilled to have a classroom set to share with my grade level,” said Mrs. Tullis, EMC Bright Ideas Grant recipient. The systems will be used as soon as they are purchased to apply vocabulary in Science, Social Studies, and ELA, as well as enhancing a unit on geometry.​

Carroll EMC awards Bright Ideas grants to local teachers to fund innovative and creative educational projects for their students. Grants of up to $1,000 are presented to public school educators, teaching grades pre­K through 12, for classroom­based projects in a variety of subjects.

Press Release from Carroll County Schools

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