City of Villa Rica Accepts Donation of 159 Acres for Passive Park (Press Release)

Villa Rica Park
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Press Release from City Managers Office

Mayor J. Collins and Villa Rica City Council members together with representatives of the Southeastern Trust for Parks and Land held a press conference at Villa Rica City Hall to announce a public-private partnership and acceptance of the gift of 159.25 acres of conservation land that will be developed into a passive park for the community along Conners Road at Nally Road on the Douglas County side of the city.

The undeveloped green space is bordered by other forested and agricultural lands, single family residential tracts, three residential subdivisions, and the Mirror Lake Golf Club. The Property will be protected in perpetuity through a restricted deed and managed by the City of Villa Rica as an undeveloped natural conservation area in keeping with the Conservation Purposes and the deed restrictions.

The Southeastern Trust for Parks and Land ( acquired the property in 2014 to provide green space and provide for protection and enhancement of natural forest environments and native plant and wildlife species, protection of the wetlands and aquatic resources, specifically adjacent streams, including aquatic life, and an area suitable for forest and wildlife management, hiking, bird watching, passive recreation and possible education activities related to local history and land use, natural history and natural systems. The Trust permanently limited the property’s usage by deed restriction so as to ensure future uses do not impact the conservation values of the protection of water quality and wildlife habitats, and to provide for the creation of nature-based outdoor recreation opportunities for the general public. The Trust designated that the property will be open for the regular use of the general public at no cost for low-impact nature based recreation opportunities such as hiking, biking, and nature observation along designated trails.

When the Trust became aware of the City of Villa Rica’s desire to create a new passive recreation park it was obvious that we should transfer ownership of this property to the City for this purpose. The City Council will take a formal vote to accept the gift at its public meeting on Thursday, October 29th, 2015.

The Mayor and Council are currently accepting applications for its Recreation Advisory Commission. The purpose of the RAC is to make recommendations to the City Council regarding parks and recreation plans, policies, programs and projects. The RAC is composed of seven members who will serve three year terms. Those council-appointed individuals will serve as the steering committee together with the Director of Parks, Recreation and Leisure Services and representatives of the Trust to generate a master plan for approval and funding by the Mayor and City Council. We anticipate field trips to other passive parks throughout the metro Atlanta area to garner ideas in the planning process. Examples of passive recreation activities:

– Archery
– Bicycling
– Camping
– Canoeing
– Dog Park
– Frisbee
– Hiking and nature walks
– Horseback riding
– Kite-flying
– Painting
– Photography
– Rustic picnic areas
– Walking and jogging
– Wildlife viewing and bird watching


Video from press conference:

Press Release from

David A. Milliron, Villa Rica City Manager

571 W. Bankhead Hwy, Villa Rica, GA 30180

(678) 840-1211 | [email protected] or

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