It’s the beginning of the month, and here at the Menu that means time to take a look at Arbor Place to see what’s new, what’s gone, and what’s to come. This month we have more than a few looks at some new stores and something new you can spot all around the mall. Also this month, sadly, we have one closing of a small but impactful store that has been with the mall since opening 16 years ago. Let’s dive in and take a look!

What’s New: The first in our what’s new category is a story we broke early last winter the opening of Torrid, a ladies clothing store where the former Ashley Stewart was near Macy’s on the first floor. The store itself is sleek looking with all glass panels to showcase the product inside. Torrid has found homes at other Metro malls to great success. With Torrid opening, Arbor Place snags another major national retailer to add to its impressive list. Opening on the top floor is two new selections, one of which moved from a smaller almost concealed location, the other a temporary store for really discounted clothing. Enve Salon was located tucked away in a spot near Belk on the top floor which one would have had to really been looking for to find. Now they have opened in the empty spot next to GameStop near the food court. People who remember the opening of the mall might remember this spot as the Time Out Arcade. With a spot that has great visibility, Enve Salon should do well in its new home.

Back in winter we had broke the news that Body Central, a clothing store on the first floor had closed and the company was going through liquidation. Their troubles are now your gain with BC Express located on the top floor near Belk where Victoria Secret used to be before moving across the hallway. There you can find deals in an “everything must go” type of store to sell off Body Central’s remaining inventory. Something new that you can see across the mall, especially on the first floor are the new Kiosks. Gone are the tall, clunky kiosks the mall has had since opening. With these new kiosks, they are smaller in space, more compact, include the Arbor Place logo on the side. All of the old kiosks have been replaced in the mall.

What’s Gone: Sadly, this month we have one closing to report and this ones a big one (although it was one of the smallest stores at Arbor Place). Avenues News Stand that stood in front of the food court near Regal closed its doors in April. Avenues has been with the mall since it opened in 1999. Many visitors frequented the store for candy selections (for the movies…come on, admit it), magazines and drinks selections. As of now, no replacement store has been announced for that spot.

What’s to Come: Lastly in our May visit, is coming soon. This is also a story we covered back in March. Construction has begun on Bijuju, a womens clothing store and accessories boutique. This will be located right next to Francesca’s which opened earlier in April. This will be Bijuju’s first store in Georgia with locations in South and North Carolina already. Plans are also in place for stores at Town Center and Mall of Georgia. With construction started, Bijuju should be open by months end. We will have a look at the finished store in our June look.

If any news breaks on any more stores planning to open or close at Arbor Place this month, we will let you know. As of today, there are currently only 5 vacant stores out of 140+. Keep it going Arbor Place Mall!